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Jun 30, 2023

This page contains information on how to hunt and kill the many machines in Horizon Zero Dawn.

There are 25 different species of Machines to be found around the world of Horizon. Some machines are plentiful, some are incredibly rare to find in the wild, and others will only be encountered during missions.

Watchers are the sentinels of the Machine beastiary. Their primary function is to guard more timid machines against attack. Watchers patrol in groups of 2-4, both with machines and on their own.Do your best to approach unseen, then use Hunter or Hardpoint arrows to down the Watcher

There is a second, more powerful variation of the Watcher that Aloy will encounter as she progresses through the world. These Redeye Watchers boast armor plating on their head and chassis, and can fire dangerous energy bolts from their eye.

The eye is still their primary vulnerability, but the Redeye requires more damage to this weak point to completely disable the machine.

Striders are relatively docile machines that travel in small-midsize herds. They are easily startled, so approaching with stealth is advised.

Striders can be used as mounts.

Another herd animal, Grazers are often encounted in groups of 3-5. While the pack may flee if attacked, individual Grazers will often become aggressive if they encounter interlopers in the wild.

These dangerous machines can be found scavenging the wilds for machine parts both on their own or in packs. In addition to being a formidable opponenet in direct combat, the Scrapper is equipped with a radar scanner that can detect hidden enemies from a distance.

Target the power cell near the Scrapper's rear to cause massive damage and stun nearby enemies, then use high-damage arrows or blasts to destroy the beast.

These powerful machines are found throughout the world, and are capable of both swift flight and powerful attacks. We recommend that hunters approach unseen and either eliminate or override while in stealth.

Broadheads can be used as mounts.

Timid when surprised but aggressive when directly provoked, the Lancehorn is a surprisingly capable opponent. It is recommended that hunters remove their head-mounted drill weapons before engaging in direct combat.

This large avian-esque machine is far more deadly than it looks. They often appear as solitary hunters or traveling in small groups with other herd-like units such as Broadheads or Striders.

Hunters are recommended to first disable the antennae from a stealthy vantage point, then target the concussion sac to deal massive damage and simultaneously disable the wings when it explodes.

These mid-size machines are usually found in packs and not to be engaged without a sizeable arsenal at ones disposal.

Hunters should first disable the large processing unit on their undersides to disable their AoE fire attacks, then either use TearBlast arrows to remove the large horns or tie the beast down with the Ropecaster to deal damage.

Large machines that deal massive amounts of damage in close-quarters. Hunters should attempt to lure them over a shock, blast or fire tripwire / trap to destroy the blaze cannister on the underside of their chassis.

These large cargo-bots may appear docile, but are outfitted with a considerable array of offensive and defensive technology.

Hunters should target the Shell-Walker's rear power generator before engaging directly, then focus on destroying the shield claw before anything else.

Bellowbacks are especially deadly when encountered in tandem with other machines who excel at melee combat.

Hunters are advised to attempt to tackle a Fire/Freeze bellowback alone, and focus on destroying the cargo sac / gullet to avoid taking elemental damage.

For all intents an purposes, this Bellowback variant can be engaged using the same tactics as its firey brethren - though Resist Freeze potions will come in handy here.

Chargers are smaller than Broadheads, but swifter and in many ways more dangerous. Hunters should approach quietly and destroy their horns and Blaze canisters before engaging.

Chargers can be ridden as mounts.

Stalkers are some of the deadliest machines, especially when using their stealth abilities. That said, unless hunters are ambushed by one, these beasts aren't too difficult to take down.

Use TearBlast arrows to remove the Stealth Generator, preventing the beast from turning invisible. If you're lucky, this blast will also take out the dart gun on it's back. If not, focus on that with Hardpoint or Precision Arrows, which should stun it. Keep your distance until the creature is downed, then inflict as much damage as possible.

When engaging multiple Stalkers simultaneously, as will often be the case, be sure to focus your energies on eliminating the stealth components of all your opponents first. Corruption Arrows are also useful here, as Stalkers can do great damage to one another.

Glinthawks are some of the most dangerous (not to mention frustrating) enemies to encounter. They almost always travel in flocks of at least three or more machines, and are able to spot hunters hiding in tall grass when flying above them.

The most effective way to eliminate Glinthawks is to set them ablaze with fire arrows, then tether them to the ground and perform heavy melee attacks. Destroying their Freeze Sacs is also a helpful tactic, as it prevents them from covering the ground in dangerous patches of ice.

These machines are incredibly deadly, and should only be engaged when absolutely necessary. Their melee attacks are just as dangerous as their long-range projectiles, and hunters must keep moving or tie them down with a Ropecaster to avoid taking too much damage.

The most effective strategy for eliminating a corruptor is to trigger a system overheat, usually be launching a continuous stream of Fire Arrows at it, then targeting the Heat Core with Precision Arrows when it becomes exposed during the overheat.

The Ravager may be one of the more imposing machines to encounter in the wild, but with the right equipment and strategy it can be easily overcome.

The easiest way to dispatch a Ravager is to use a TearBlast Arrow to remove the back-mounted Ravager Cannon, then pick that up and use it against to quickly finish off the beast. Ravagers are incredibly fast, however, so it's best to remove the cannon from an unseen vantage point, or use a Ropecaster to prevent the beast from reaching you while you collect the gun.

The Snapmaw is, by itself, not an incredibly threatening machine. However, it is usually found in groups of two or three, as well as nearby other machines that will become incensed when they sense combat.

Luring a Snapmaw out of the water and using fire arrows against it's body and Blaze Canisters is the fastest way to drain it's health. Because it's movement is fairly slow, destroying the Freeze Sac beneath its head is also advised, since it can still be engaged from a distance after disabling its ranged attack.

A rare site to behold, the worm-like Rockbreaker may be the most dangerous machine in Horizon. They are not to be engaged without the very best of equipment.

Your first step to defeating the Rockbreaker is to use TearBlast Arrows to remove the four Digging Arms when the creature surfaces. Depending on your skill with a bow, you can usually destroy two at a time.

Once the Rockbreaker can no longer dive underground, it will begin focusing on quick melee charges - use a Ropecaster to hold it in place while you use Cryo Arrows or Freeze Bombs to further slow the beast, then target the Fuel Sacs and Exhaust Ports on either side of it to do maximum damage.

If a hunter encounters two Rockbreakers simultaneously, the best course of action is to remain hidden and use Corruption Arrows to pit the two leviathans against one another, then engage the weakened victor of the fight.

These ponderous giants are far more intimidating than they are dangerous, but should not be treated carelessly.

If possible, Hunters should focus their TearBlast and Precision Arrows on the Force Loaders on either side of the Behemoth's head, potentially after using a Cryo Arrow on the Freeze Canisters located near the machine's hindquarters.

Quality marksmen will also want to aim for the power cell in between the Behemoth's shoulder blades with either a Shock or TearBlast arrow.

The most infamous machine in the land, the Thunderjaw is one of the most deadly mechanical beasts known to man. Only well-equipped and highly trained hunters should attempt to engage this metal monstrosity.

The best method of taking down a Thunderjaw is to first use Tearblast Arrows to remove the Disc Launcher from its back. Then, using as many ropes as you can, lash the Thunderjaw to the ground, collect the disc launcher and unload on the creature.

This should eliminate roughly 2/3 of it's health bar - focus on aiming the disc launcher at the armor plating covering the Thunderjaw's heart, as well as it's head-mounted cannons and removable tail. Use Precision or Hardpoint Arrows to target its heart to finish it off.

These giant winged machines are both incredibly powerful and very resilient.

When engaging a Stormbird, hunters will want to have a decent supply of Cryo Arrows, TearBlast Arrows and a good Ropecaster.

Use the TearBlast arrows to remove the lightning gun first, then the Ropecaster to tether the bird to the ground. Target the Engines on the wings to disable its powerful Dive attack, then focus on the Blaze and Freeze canisters to deal elemental damage and finish the beast off.

These metal monstrosities were used in the days of the Old Ones, and have been resurrected to wreak havoc throughout the land. Thankfully, they are not found outside of story missions.

The best way to bring down one of these gargantuan murder-machines is to take advantage of the weak points on its legs and in it's cores.

Use Fire and Shock Arrows to cause the machine to overheat, then take aim at the Heat Vents, Cooling Rods and, most importantly, the Central Core. The machine will also expose stabilizer units from time to time on it's legs - destroy these to hinder it's mobility.

Tallnecks are docile machines, perhaps due to the fact that their gargantuan size makes them impervious to attack from weaker machines or creatures.

These gentle giants can be climbed and overridden in order to piece together and reveal new parts of the world map.

Corrupted machines are merely husks of their originally programmed selves, having been enslaved by a Corruptor. They cannot be overridden, but can still fall prey to their own unique vulnerabilities.