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Horizon Forbidden West Machine List [All 43]

Jun 26, 2023

Horizon Forbidden West machine list contains 43 base game machines and 4 Burning Shores new machines. To get information about machines, such as strengths, weaknesses, loot drops, & more, I scanned each & every single machine in the game & you are expected to do the same. Overriding all Cauldrons in Horizon Forbidden West is equally important if you want to speed up the process of killing these machines or making a few of them your allies.

The Grazer is a lightweight, acquisition-type machine designed for digging up natural resources and converting them into biofuel. As a herd machine, it relies on speed and evasiveness to escape danger but will not hesitate to engage hostiles if it means ensuring the herd's safe retreat.

Under the small-sized Horizon Forbidden West machine names is the Burrower, which is a lightweight, recon-type machine known for its ability to emit high-pitched sounds, alerting allies and stunning enemies. It can also tunnel underground and resurface in unpredictable locations.

The Scrounger machine is an acquisition-based, lightweight creature in our Horizon Forbidden West machine list known for its agility and scavenging prowess. Often found in packs, it quickly consumes machine parts and can either bite enemies or launch Shock attacks from a distance. The Scrounger can be overridden using the MU Cauldron override. Its body comprises a body, resource container, and power cell.

The Leaplasher machine, a lightweight transport type, is known for its acrobatic abilities and comes equipped with an Acid Canister. This versatile machine can deploy its cargo to support allies or utilize it as a weapon. It can be overridden using the IOTA Cauldron override. Leaplasher's body includes a body, cargo claw, acid canister, and power cell.

The Scrapper machine is a nimble, acquisition-based lightweight robot known for dismantling fallen machines to recycle their parts. It frequently roams in groups, constantly scanning for threats and safeguarding its gathered resources from interlopers. The Scrapper can be overridden using an MU Cauldron. Its body consists of several key components, including the main body, radar, and plasma cell.

Next in this Horizon Forbidden West machine list is the Spikesnout, which is an acquisition-focused lightweight robot designed to extract ground resources by liquefying them. When threatened, it withdraws, releasing clouds of vapor that can either empower allies or debilitate enemies. The Spikesnout can be overridden using a CHI Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, acid canister, amplifying sac, damage dampener sac, stamina drain sac, and resource container.

Among the Horizon Forbidden West all machine names, the Skydrifter machine falls under the lightweight recon robot known for its agility and keen tracking abilities. It glides effortlessly through the air, swiftly identifying potential threats and striking with its razor-sharp tail and wingtips. The Skydrifter can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, scanning unit, tracking container, booster, antenna, sparker, and razor tail.

The Plowhorn machine is a midweight acquisition robot that specializes in tilling the earth and dispersing seeds and fertilizer. As it works, it leaves behind a path of rapidly growing plants and a dust cloud that can be utilized for stealth purposes. The Plowhorn can be overridden using a TAU Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, horns, adhesive sac, seed dispenser, purgewater sac, fertilizer sac, tail clamp, and tail capsule.

The Charger machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that functions as a herd machine in this Horizon Forbidden West machine list, excavating natural resources to transform them into biofuel. Though skittish by nature, it will retaliate if threatened before ultimately escaping. Notably, the Charger can be mounted for transportation purposes. It can be overridden using a PSI Override, which is automatically unlocked. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, horns, and blaze canister.

Vulnerable to Shock Damage

The Lancehorn machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that operates as a herd machine, drilling for natural resources to convert into usable materials. Though it typically flees from danger, it may engage hostiles to ensure the herd's safe retreat. The Lancehorn can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, drill horns, resource canister, and chillwater canister.

The Longleg machine is a midweight recon robot that excels in speed and scanning capabilities. It can detect enemies hiding in tall grass, and its robust legs enable it to leap to impressive heights. The Longleg also possesses a sound-based attack that stuns its targets. It can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, antenna, concussion sac, wing burner, and sparker.

The Bristleback machine is a midweight acquisition robot that operates in herds and employs its tusks to dig up resources. When threatened, it can excavate scrap and imbue it with acid for use in both ranged and melee attacks. This is one of the five mountable machines in our Horizon Forbidden West machine list that can be overridden with a TAU Cauldron. The Bristleback's body comprises the main body, tusks, grinder discs, and an acid canister.

The Fanghorn machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that roams in herds, dissolving natural resources for biofuel conversion. Its horns can snap together powerfully, enabling it to launch long-range fire attacks. The Fanghorn can be overridden using an MU Cauldron. Its body is composed of the main body, antlers, a blaze canister, a purgewater canister, and a resource container.

The Redeye Watcher is a lightweight recon machine that detects threats and alerts its allies. This machine can be overridden with CHI Cauldron access. Although it has limited melee and ranged attacks, it becomes dangerous when encountered in larger groups.

The Widemaw is an amphibious acquisition machine that vacuums resources into its jaws for processing. In the Horizon Forbidden West machine list, this midweight machine becomes a formidable opponent in combat, utilizing its vacuum ability in various dangerous attacks. It can be overridden with access to the MU Cauldron.

If we have to rank Clawstrider in a Horizon Forbidden West machine tier list, then this one will come at the top for being a ruthless machine in the game. The Clawstrider is a swift and agile midweight combat machine, often found in small packs. Covered in razor-sharp blades, this mountable machine is capable of various deadly melee attacks. It can be overridden with access to the IOTA Cauldron.

The Corruptor is an agile midweight combat machine from the Old World, known for its powerful ranged attacks and lethal tail. Corruptor is one of the few robots in Horizon Forbidden West machine list that cannot be overridden.

The Bellowback is a medium-sized transport machine that carries large quantities of volatile liquid on its back, which it uses for powerful elemental attacks. It can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

The Glinthawk is a lightweight flying scavenger machine often seen in small groups, known for recycling small machine carcasses and launching long-range frost attacks. It can be overridden once the IOTA Cauldron is unlocked.

The Shell-Walker is a resilient, midweight transport machine that defends its cargo with a combination of energy shields and shock attacks. It can be overridden after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

The Stalker is a lightweight combat machine that excels in stealth, using its cloaking abilities to ambush enemies with mines and alarm flares before launching into ranged and melee attacks. Override access is granted after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

The Grimhorn is a midweight combat machine modified from a Plowhorn for battle. It is equipped with potent ranged weapons and fire attacks and shouldn't be taken lightly in our Horizon Forbidden West machine list. The machine can be overridden after unlocking the TAU Cauldron.

The Ravager is a midweight combat machine known for its lethal melee and ranged attacks. Often found alone or in small groups, it aggressively guards locations or other machines. Ravager contains some interesting Horizon Forbidden West machine parts list that could be acquired after destroying this machine type. The Ravager can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

Another fast-moving robot in this Horizon Forbidden West complete machine list is the Snapmaw. This machine is a midweight acquisition machine that processes resources from bodies of water and deposits them on land. This amphibious machine is fast and territorial, employing its jaws, tail, and elemental materials to attack. The Snapmaw can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

The Sunwing is a midweight acquisition flying mount machine that soars through the skies, absorbing solar energy, and is often found in groups. Equipped with a variety of plasma attacks, energy shields, and excellent maneuverability, the Sunwing is difficult to hit. It can be overridden after unlocking the GEMINI Cauldron.

The Clamberjaw is a midweight acquisition machine known for its agility and fierce scavenging abilities. Utilizing its claws and tail to salvage scrap, this is a unique enemy type in the Horizon Forbidden West machine list that can cling to walls with ease and employs powerful Fire attacks against enemies. Override is possible after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

The Rollerback is a midweight transport machine known for its heavy armor and ability to launch into rolling attacks. Equipped with a Gravity Generator, it can reattach armor plates after being torn off. Override can be performed once the IOTA Cauldron is unlocked.

The Rockbreaker is a heavyweight acquisition machine that specializes in mining underground resources and storing them in aboveground mounds. Known for its swift underground movement, it can ambush enemies from below. Override is possible once the KAPPA Cauldron is unlocked.

The Behemoth is a heavyweight transport machine that gathers resources from smaller robots of Horizon Forbidden West machine list. Equipped with an anti-gravity system, it hurls massive boulders at attackers when threatened. Override is possible after accessing the CHI Cauldron.

The Dreadwing comes under the Horizon Forbidden West machine names that are formidable, heavyweight, and flying combat machines known for their disruptive status effect attacks. It can be overridden after accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Tideripper is a massive heavyweight acquisition machine that filters sediment for resources, employing Purgewater for lethal attacks on land and in water. Among the Horizon Forbidden West machine override list, this one can be overridden by accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Tideripper is a massive heavyweight acquisition machine that filters sediment for resources, employing Purgewater for lethal attacks on land and in water. It can be overridden by accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Stormbird is a powerful heavyweight combat machine, soaring high and diving with incredible speed to deliver devastating melee and Shock attacks in the Horizon Forbidden West machine list. It can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Thunderjaw is a massive, heavily armed, and armored combat machine that moves with agility and strikes ferociously, deploying an array of powerful weapons. It can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Frostclaw is an agile and fierce midweight acquisition machine known for its astonishing speed and potent Chillwater-fueled Frost attacks. This robot deserves special attention in this Horizon Forbidden West complete machine list, and it can be overridden using the CHI Cauldron.

The Scorcher is a relentless midweight combat machine, notorious for its fierce Fire attacks and impressive agility during melee assaults. It can be overridden using the CHI Cauldron.

The Slitherfang is a massive, swift heavyweight combat machine known for its long-range attacks and versatile arsenal when in a coiled stance. This formidable robot of Horizon Forbidden West machine list can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Tremortusk is a colossal heavyweight combat machine that compensates for its slow pace with its heavily armored exterior and various ranged weapons. The machine can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Fireclaw is a formidable heavyweight acquisition machine known for refining resources with its internal furnace. Its immense Blaze reserves fuel its lethal fire attacks. The machine can be overridden with the CHI Cauldron.

The Slaughterspine is a fearsome heavyweight combat machine that becomes even more dangerous when its Plasma Energizers are charged, enabling it to perform powerful plasma-enhanced attacks. If we’re to rank all machines in a Horizon Forbidden West machine tier list, then I’d place Slaughterspine at the highest position for being the most dangerous machine. This machine can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

The Tallneck is a heavyweight recon machine that diligently surveys a vast region, gathering data and monitoring other machines without being disturbed. It can be overridden using the PSI Override, but you do need All Tallneck locations first.

The Specter machine is an advanced mobile combat drone featuring gold armor-like plates that transform into deadly weapons and can reattach using gravitational forces if detached. If you’re looking for a Horizon Forbidden West machine override list for Specter, then you’d be disappointed becasue this one is not available for an override.

The Specter Prime machine is the ultimate Far Zenith exoframe in Horizon Forbidden West machine list that is capable of morphing into various forms. Its gold armor-like plates can transform into devastating weapons and reattach gravitationally if removed. Overrides are not available for this machine.

The above-mentioned 43 Horizon Forbidden West all machine names are part of the base game. However, the Burning Shores DLC adds 3 new standard machines & 1 boss-type machine.

The Waterwing machine is a medium-sized, highly maneuverable flying machine with the ability to dive deep underwater. As an acquisition-class machine, it becomes a tenacious adversary when disturbed. Its override feature is unlocked during the main story progression.

The Bilegut machine is a large, hazardous acquisition machine adept at launching acid to uncover Old World scrap and producing Stingspawn swarms for resource collection. Overriding this machine becomes possible after completing Cauldron THETA. Its body parts include the main body, acid launcher, and Stingspawn hives.

The Stingspawn machine is a small acquisition-class machine created by the Bilegut to assist in resource gathering. Its main purpose is to collect and transport resources. This machine is not eligible for an override.

The Horus machine is the ultimate destructive force from the Old World, a Chariot-class machine capable of delivering devastating attacks and producing other machines. However, its ancient systems are susceptible to overheating. This machine cannot be overridden.

This brings us to the end of the Horizon Forbidden West Machine list guide, where I have entailed all 43 base game machines and four new machines of the recently launched Burning Shores DLC. To take down the machines in the list above, I used the best bows, new Burning Shores weapons and equipped Alloy with the best armor in Horizon Forbidden West. Otherwise, most machines like Fireclaw and Dreadwing will kill you very quickly.


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47 machines 43 are available in the base game 4 new machines 22 out of these 47 machines mount 4 machines body, resource container, and power cell IOTA Cauldron override body, cargo claw, acid canister, and power cell MU Cauldron main body, radar, and plasma cell CHI Cauldron main body, acid canister, amplifying sac, damage dampener sac, stamina drain sac, and resource container IOTA Cauldron main body, scanning unit, tracking container, booster, antenna, sparker, and razor tail TAU Cauldron main body, horns, adhesive sac, seed dispenser, purgewater sac, fertilizer sac, tail clamp, and tail capsule PSI Override main body, horns, and blaze canister IOTA Cauldron main body, drill horns, resource canister, and chillwater canister TAU Cauldron body, tusks, grinder discs, and an acid canister MU Cauldron body, antlers, a blaze canister, a purgewater canister, and a resource container CHI Cauldron access Important: Next: